Monday, March 17, 2014

Across the Universe

Soooooo I have definitely decided to choose either a movie or a dish every week.  Hopefully on good weeks I can fit in both, but for the sake of my sanity, we'll go with either or for now.

This week from the fishbowl-o-movies was one that I've seen in the past, but have been meaning to re-watch.  Across the Universe is a musical of sorts, based entirely on the Beatles songs.  If you're not sold already then I do not know if we can be friends.  The story follows a group of young adults as they make their way through the 1950-1960's.  They deal with the issues of that time period (getting drafted to war etc.) as well as issues that most young adults deal with (choosing adulthood over youth, attending college).  Mostly, it follows the lives of these young adults as they transition from their  cushy, 50's "american-dream" like life into the free-spirited, psychedelic hippie lifestyle of the 60's.

Besides the amazing sound track made up entirely of the Beatles best hits, from the early "All My Loving" and "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" to the later "Let it Be", the film's cinematography/special effects is a noteworthy aspect of the movie.  The effects of the movie matched the psychedelic nature of the movie, with abstract sequences that could arguably make this movie an art piece.

Although the movie is abstract and artistic, the relatable storyline makes Across the Universe an great movie for wide audience range.  Most importantly, if you love Beatles songs, there is no way you can miss out on this movie.

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