When asked to pick something to base my blog around, it was ultimately came down to a fight between two of my favorite things: film and food. During this heavy debate between which one to chose, I thought to myself there is no reason I have to choose between two absolutely amazing things in my life...so I didn't! That's right, you will be getting a weekly dose of my food and movie expeditions. My goal is to view (at least) one movie a week, as well as try out (at least) one new recipe to whip up. Join me as a venture through the trials and tribulations of cooking while I expand my appreciation for the wonderful world of movies.
I finally have no reason not to create my "bowl-o-movies".
The idea is pretty simple: I get a fish bowl (or fish bowl like receptacle), and write down every single movie I've ever wanted to watch on slips of paper, and put it into the fish bowl. When I am ready to sit down and watch a movie, I pick one from the fish bowl AND HAVE TO WATCH IT. No putting it back in the fish-bowl, no picking a new one, no "I'll just watch Clueless again" (side note: I have a MAJOR problem with re-watching movies I like over and over again. Hence, my embarrassing lack of knowledge in movies that apparently everyone and their mom have seen...cough cough "Fight Club") As I find more movies I want to watch, I continue to add to the fish bowl, therefore, there will always be a new movie for me to explore.
I'm considering making a fish bowl for cooking recipes to go along side the bowl-o-movies", but I haven't decided yet whether two fish bowls in my room is going to through off the feng-shui. More on that later.
If you guys have any suggestions to what I should add to my fish bowls, film or food, please leave them in the comments below.
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